New in flixo 8.1

Upgrade to flixo 8.1 and benefit from the numerous improvements and new functions with known handling.
Users with running subscription get this update for free.


  • Calculation of the humidity distribution (vapor diffusion) inside the construction according to Glaser
  • Psi-Value Tool "Custom"
  • Custom Uf-Value and UTj-Value calculation
  • Calculation of Ufr- and Ueg-Values according to ISO 15099
  • More flexible roller shutter box U-Value calculation
  • The calculation of characteristic values (e.g. Psi-Value) can be linked to other calculations (e.g. equivalent U-Value) and will be automatically updated if the linked values are changed 
  • Columns of the material- and boundary condition tables can be hidden, rows can be sorted using different criteria

Model and import

  • Automatic creation of Model Versions using rules (Replacement of materials, boundary conditions and glass units, adapting parameters, calculation of vapor diffusion according to Glaser)
  • Import of THERM files and calculations
  • Calculation of characteristic values of cavities according to ISO 15099 and boundary conditions according to NFRC 100 (additional module)
  • Extended glass unit with integrated and user defined spacers. Additional method to define the unit if the kind of fillings and the surface properties are given
  • Improved mesh generation near singularities
  • Extended support of the region settings and unit systems

User interface

  • In the Layer flyout, objects can be deleted, moved and displayed individually
  • Styles are grouped in Style flyout
  • New labeling tool
  • Guides can be rotated
  • A material can be assigned to all objects of a group by holding down the SHIFT key
  • Advanced options for editing the properties of the selected objects in the Properties flyout