Protect Report

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Protect Report


In this dialog window, you can protect certain report properties from being revised or allow certain adjustments to reports. It is possible to protect the report without a password. If you have defined a password, a separate dialog window appears to enter the protection password.



You can enter a password or leave the field blank.

Allowed adjustments list

Protects the report page selectively against changes of certain properties. Actions which are selected in the list may be adapted by users for the corresponding report page:

- Assign master reports: Assign another master report as a new basis to the selected report.

- Add and delete layers: Create new layers and delete existing layers.

- Move layers: Change the order - and thus the visibility - of layers.

- Edit layer properties: Edit the Layer properties.

- Add and delete result objects: Create new result objects (such as local temperatures, heat flow, etc.) and delete existing.

- Move result objects: Change the position of result objects.

- Scale result objects: Change the size of result objects.

- Edit result objects: Change the positions of the result object endpoints (e.g. position of the label).

- Edit result object properties: Adjust the properties (e.g. room humidity for condensation of the temperature object etc.) of a result object in the Properties Flyout or dialogue.

- Assign a style to a result object: Choose a different appearance for a result object.

- Rename result objects: Customize the name of a result object in the Properties Flyout. The values of the named result objects can be displayed with a field function.

- Add and delete general objects: Create new general objects like line, text, or delete existing ones.

- Move general objects: Adjust the position of general objects.

- Scale general objects: Change the size of general objects.

- Edit general objects: Adjust the position of vertices of general objects.

- Assign a style to a general object: Select a different appearance for a general object.


Protects the report selectively against changes of certain properties. Actions which are selected in the list may be adapted by users.

If a password has been defined, then a dialog window will appear prompting for a password.


Cancels the entire action. The report is not protected.